Spring Pool Water Care

Spring Pool Water Care

Oh, Spring … Oh, Spring … Wherefore art thou, Spring?

Yes, it is with Shakespearean-style longing that we await sunny days in South Louisiana!  With the reappearance of cool weather this week, we need to address the effect of a delayed Spring on our swimming pools.

The best thing you can do for your pool and equipment is getting a free water analysis to make sure your water is balanced.  We’ll ask you what the water looks like for more clues to a prescription for healthy pool water.  We want to make sure that when the good weather hits, your pool water is ready.

For salt pools or traditional chlorine systems, the keys to clear, sparkling blue water are circulation and filtration.  Without swimmers, circulation is mechanical only right now, so some extra wall and surface brushing may be in order.   Proper filtration allows chemicals and equipment to work efficiently, so use Strip-Kwik to chemically clean your filter (and change the sand if it is 2 or 3 years old), then backwash to waste.

If yours were among the bolder, braver kids and teens who jumped in last week and came out with blue lips, let them know that this too shall pass … and let’s all keep our fingers crossed for a nice, sunny, and warm Easter break!

Please bring a fresh quart of pool water to your nearest Sabine Pools location for a free, computerized water analysis.  For more information, visit your local Sabine Pools, Spas & Furniture store in Lake Charles, Lafayette, or Gonzales LA.

Reminder:  All stores are closed in observance of Good Friday (re-open from 9 to 3 on Saturday).