Stages of Pool Construction

The professionals at Sabine Pools are committed to a lifetime relationship with our pool owners. The commitment to excellence begins when we help you find the perfect pool for your home and your family, continues through pool construction, and then lasts for years of expert care and advice. Here are the Stages of Pool Construction:

Phase 1: Pre-Construction

Planning, site placement, product selection, and ordering

Phase 2: Excavation

“Dig” day (one or two days)


Phase 3: Gunite

Approximately within 2 weeks of Excavation

Phase 4: Tile & Coping

Takes 1-7 days, starts approximately within 2 weeks of Gunite completion

Phase 5: Decks

Typically within 2-3 weeks of Tile & Coping completion

Phase 6: Plaster

Typically within 2-3 weeks of Deck completion, plaster is applied, and swimming pool is filled with water. SWIM!

Phase 7: Training & Enjoyment

Within 2 weeks of plaster